Floor Plans

Floor Plan GIF

Combined with our website you can truly give prospective buyers an interactive experience allowing them to see where each photo was taken.

6 Benefits to Including Floor Plans With Your Listing

Floor plans can give you an edge in the competitive real estate market, where buyers and sellers have more options and information than ever. Here are 6 reasons why you should include floor plans in your listing.
  • Make your listing stand out
  • Give buyers the opportunity to move in mentally
  • Deliver a clear overview of the property
  • Buyers love Floor Plans
  • Help Buyers see past the clutter
  • Reduce erroneous showings and save time for yourself, buyers and sellers.

Stats / Facts about Floor Plans

  • 80% of successful buyers are more likely to view a home if the listing includes a floor plan they like.Ā (Zillow 2022)
  • Floor Plans rank 3rd in value out of 14 website features according to the National Association of RealtorsĀ®. (NAR 2022)
  • 54% of prospective buyers say they wasted time during their home search viewing properties
    they would have skipped if they understood the floor plan before their visit. (Zillow 2022)

Floor Plans

$50 | Stand alone product

$25 | As add-on to Photos or Virtual Tour